Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chancing headlight motor to celica

So, the headlight motor wasn't working when I bought the Celica. Before I even started to dissemble the headlight unit I had to find myself a replacement motor (just a hunch). Well that was kind of tricky. I didn't find any from Finland, only mechanisms, not the motors them self's. On eBay there were some junkjards in England which said they possessed the whole car and they checked if they have the right parts for me (I asked also other parts), but after few massages I didn't heard from them again. Fortunately in USA they are interested of making business. I was able to bought left and right motor at 80$ + shipping 40$. The international shipping through eBay has a option to pay Finnish taxes for advance, that good improvement because first, parcels won't get stuck in customs and second, you pay taxes only the product it self not the shipping.

Location of the headlight bolts
Location of the headlight unit's bolts

Anyway, as the used motors arrived. I took the left headlight out. That was kind of disappointing. Headlight is fastened with three M6 bolts, two at the top and one down in inner wheel arch. All of those bolts snapped, they were so rusty. Even good old WD40 + heat + shock treatment didn't work. They were simply so rusted as if they were welded together. Also two bolts that held the motor in headlight mechanisms broke. So loudly fucks were to be heard. I had to buy a nut rivet tool (cool, new toys!).  I drilled old snapped bolts of off and put new rivet M6 nuts in place.

Left: old, right: replacement

Replacing the headlight motor it self was easy. Without the broken bolts it would have been 2 hour job. For me it was 2 days of joy. Old motor was too rusted work. Just assembled headlight unit back in place and it started to work