Monday, February 23, 2015

Shooting a dragunov from kneel position

I bought some time a go a countor action camera. Its very helpful when you want to improve your time in practical shooting. This time I just wanted to film my self shooting dragunov from kneel position at 40 meters. That damn thing is so fun to shoot!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SVD range report 2

I started testing PPU Leader surplus ammo. It has steel case with cupper plating and 148gr bullet. There are several different case markings and some of the ammo's primes and bullets are seald with pink lacquer.

Altough PPU is the cheapest 54R ammo in the Finland it gives a firm performance, all the groups are under 2,5 MOA this includes fliers. This might not sound like much but the ammo is only 0,35€/piece and my Dragunov has old russian 4x scope on it. Best 5 shot group that I get was 1,25 MOA.

The best results gave cardridge with numbers 71 and 66 stamped in the rear. Some of the different case markings hits different place than the rest, so its important to arrange the cases. Last photo shows how high 69/19 hits compered to 71/66.

 I know there is potential to SVD, but there are no other hard primer ammo available in Finland and hard primers as CCI #34 are not available for reloading. One possibility is to start reloading berdan type of shells, berdan primer should be harder than boxers.

 I found out that it is relitvely easy load a dragunov single shot style. After last shot the boltcarrier is left in rear position, then it's easy to load a single cartridge in the magazine when it's still on the gun. This way I can test western ammo like S&B and Lapua without worrying the rifle been blown in my face.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

SVD range report

I ordered some russian ammo for my dragunov. There is a major slam fire potential with free floating firing pin so I decided to keep firing russian ammo for now. There is one kaboom with dragunov in Finland last year, if I remember currectly it was with S&B ammo. There were no serious injurys to shooter.

I managet to get three different ammo with hard russian primers. Wolf 148gr fmj, Barnaul 174gr and PPU Leader 148gr.


Steel case and unknow bullet. I have shot 60 shots with this. There sometimes seems to be little deley when firing, like 0,2 second or so. You only are able to tell it after the shot. Wolf often performs good, about 2,0 - 1,5 MOA but sometimes I got some huge fliers. the worst ones goes 15cm off the target, I do not know why. Best 5-shot group was 55mm at 100m and four of them was under 25mm.


I had high hopes for this one. I shoot barnaul a lot in 9 mm, its cheap and works well. Steel case with same green lacquer than the 9mm. Bullet is a heavy 174 gr so light rifle kicks a bit more. I have shot four five-shot groups and I was deppressed. The avarage group size was about 100mm.


PPU Leader

This ammo is little strange. I can not find any precise info about this, only that is surplus ammo with 148gr bullet. 200 pieces of ammo is stored in cardpoard box and there are some foreign language, mayby chech? Visually I see there are at least four differents types of cases, different numbers and case colors. Anyway I shot two 5-shot groups before dark and was amazed! First shot go little left, but the rest go about 5cm goup. Not bad for cheap surplus. This ammo needs more testing. Obviously I have to organice the different types of shells order to get more accuracy of this ammo.

Different type of shells in PPU Leader

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Remington 700 + grs stock

I have had a Remington 700 Police for five years now. The original HS stock does not fit me like a glove so I wanted something with an adjustaple ceekwell and lenght. Stock markets in Finland are narrow, but norwegian GRS stock were awailable and desing of sporter/varmint was intresting so I go with that. Stock weight is only 1,3kg.

Same time I wanted to changes box magazine to AICS type changeable magazine. I bought an Alutek triggerguard that accepts AICS magazines. Its a lot stonger and bigger than the original trigerguard, so it is not a drop in installation.
Alutek triggerguard and steel bedding pillars

I noticed that grs stock needed a bedding job. My friend milled me two pedding pillar from steel. They werent adjustible like the ones in gunshops so I cut them exacly the same lenght as in the HS stock.

I used Acraglass bedding gel. It has a nice working time also its easy to mix and spread. Before bedding I used electric tape to center the barrel and to make room for recoil lug. Then I waxed all steel parts so the recerver wont stick in the stock. There are lots of videos in youtube of pillar pedding.

Final result was success. Actoin works perfectly and now I have light and ergonomic rifle with AICS magazines.

8 shots at 100m. Lapua Trainer