Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Steel targets for a long range sooting

Long range shooting is a long waited dream of mine. This Christmas I started to fulfill it. Shooting at long distances 300 to 600 m to a paper targets seem to be little bit poring. Five shots in five minutes and then 20 minutes to check the target. But to shoot to steel targets was more to my taste.

First I watched punch of YouTube clips about steel targets what people use and started acquire equipment for steel targets. I desaidet to do "swinging" steel target. For a swing I needed squire steel pipe two different sizes 25*25mm and 20*20mm for the legs and 25*50 steel pipe for the beam. For hanging the steel targets I bought 10mm thick rubber belt and cut it to a 70*500mm. As for the steel target them self's I order them from a metal shop. They are made from Hardox 450 12mm thick and there are tree different sizes 100mm plate, 200mm plate and C and head zone of a practical target.

Steel targets hanging from rubber belts. After this photo I did extension joints in legs and painted the swing black

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