Thursday, January 29, 2015

First shots with my new SVD

I bought my self a new rifle. I was going to buy DPMS AR10 or S&W mp10, but when I was at the gunstore I saw something beautiful. An original SVD Dragunov, stock condition! The last time when I have seen and fired Dragunov was in the army. Best part is the price only half of the S&W mp10! Decicion was made, I can buy AR10 rifles anytime but original Dragunov's, maybe never!

Detailed review gomes later, I also bought some wolf 7,65*54R ammo and headed to range. I was trilled! There was also Russian scope PO 4x24 with the rifle.


First shots were off the target, but then I sights to the A4 papertarget. Wolf ammo performed nicely 4 shots were in 3cm group and one flyer 5cm off the group! nicely done with cheapest ammo what you can find!

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